Our vision is that all children are happy, supported, thrive and succeed during their first year at school.
At Dundry, children are given the opportunity to learn through play-based activities both indoors and outdoors.
Early Years Curriculum
The EYFS curriculum is organised into seven areas of learning.
Prime Areas
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Specific Areas
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Teaching and Learning
Using the descriptors from the document Development Matters, we assess pupils on entry and map their progress throughout the year towards the Early Learning Goals. The EYFS curriculum is delivered with a careful balance between child initiated and adult led learning. Opportunities are provided for both indoor and outdoor learning and children are also able to choose their own environment. Although we do make observations and document learning, we feel that spending quality time talking to the children and being co-learners with the children is an important way of getting to know the children really well. Through observing the children at work and play, we can plan their next steps, whether this be extra support needed, or challenge, or adapting the environment to suit the children’s interests, passions and needs. A carefully planned curriculum, which is informed by the children’s interests, ensures children are active participants in their learning and development. The topics taught vary term to term and year to year depending on the children’s interests and needs.
The links below show how the children progress through the 7 different areas of learning, building on the skills they bring with them in September.
Communication and Language Progression Overview
Personal, Social and Emotional Dvpt Progression overview
Physical Development Progression Overview
Understanding the World Progression Overview
Expressive Arts Progression Overview
The following document shows how the progression of skills fit into a year’s long-term plan. The plan here has loose topics named for each term but are highly adaptable to suit the children’s interests and needs.
Children learn through a balance of adult led teaching and child-initiated learning. We call this Discovery Time, as the children are discovering new environments, new resources and new skills. They have the opportunity to use, practise and apply the new skills and techniques learnt at an earlier date. The environment is easily accessible to all, with resources available for the children to create their own learning, rather than pre-planned ‘Blue Peter’ here’s one I made earlier! The environment is planned however, where new equipment and resources are introduced over the year, so the children can build on previously learnt skills. The link below shows how the skills develop in different areas of the environment.
Parental Partnerships
We strongly believe that parental partnerships can only support children’s learning. We work closely with parents throughout the year to ensure that their child has the best possible start to their school career. We run a parents phonics workshop during the Autumn term. Parents are invited into the classroom to find out how key skills are taught and how to support their child at home. We also invite parents to attend a new parent meeting and an Early Years curriculum meeting.
Each child in Reception is paired with a Year 6 Buddy while they are settling into the new school environment. Buddies offer support, guidance and reassurance during playtimes and lunchtimes. They also support children during walks to church and the village hall. We also learn with children from other year groups in the school during learning opportunities like ‘Dundry Learning Power Days.’
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