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Conifer Class – Reception/Year 1

Conifer Class – Reception/Year 1

Welcome to Conifer Class! Mrs Cook teaches everyday, except Tuesday afternoon when Mrs Maggs covers her PPA . Mrs Bazeley is our class TA and works closely with Mrs Cook to support the children in their learning and play.


We have an exciting year ahead of us, with varied and engaging topics leading our learning. Over the year, our topics can be flexible, including learning led by the children’s passions and interests. The adult led learning sessions such as Phonics, Drawing Club and Maths will be supported by child led learning. We call this Discovery time and it gives the children the opportunity to work in their preferred environment and practise the skills previously learnt.

These are the topics we will be learning about this year. Each theme has plenty of opportunities to adapt to suit the children’s interests and needs

2024 2025 years learning overview

Please see our to find out more information about expectations for the year.

Welcome Letter Conifer

Term 1

Our first term in Conifer class focuses on becoming part of the school community. We will create new friendships within the class and work on following and embedding new routines and school expectations. September is a huge deal in your child’s life, whether they are starting school or moving up a year group and we endeavour to make sure the transition into Conifer Class (and our new environment) is a seamless and a happy experience.

This term we will focus on Superheroes, and how not all Superheroes wear capes. The children will have opportunities  to create positive and new relationships with the children and adults who work with them. We will talk about our families, our homes, our emotions and learn to work and play alongside others.

Adult learning such as Drawing Club, Phonics and Numbersense will be used to lay the foundations on which the children will build their skills and knowledge throughout the year.

Communication will be through Class Dojo, and a weekly ‘Class Story’ will be sent out on a Friday so you can find out and celebrate what the children have been up to that week!

Please click link for the Term 1 overview

Not all superheroes wear capes topic web




For more information about the EYFS curriculum and links to our  EYFS progression documents, please visit the EYFS pages on the website.


Supporting your child with reading

It can be really tricky knowing how to support your child with reading, so I’ve made a video to give you some ideas about how you can help. It is also good to read the same book with your child at least 3 or 4 times, this enables them to develop fluency when reading a book that has become more familiar.

Conifer 1:1 Reading with Mrs Cook

As always, you can also contact me through



During the week beginning 1st March we will enjoy a whole week of book themed fun, to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 4th March. Each afternoon the children will choose an activity or two to try from an exciting menu created by their teachers.  See the video below to hear Dundry teachers reading some their favourite stories and poems.








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