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A beacon of hope on the hill; A small school making a big difference

Dundry Learning Powers

Dundry Learning Powers

At Dundry we believe that how we teach and how children learn is as important as what we teach. We have therefore introduced the Dundry Learning Powers.

Dundry Learning Powers, or DLPs, are those lifelong skills that children will need throughout their school life, the skills that will help them learn and be successful learners.

We have 5 animals to represent these skills, and through explicit teaching, we give the children the opportunity to practise and apply these skills. These were introduced to our children over 2021-22 and are already helping our children to become better learners.

Meet our DLP animals and the powers they have:


Self Manager Tortoise

The Tortoise has the ability to persevere and show resilience. Not giving up when challenges arise and trying to work independently.

Tortoise Powers:

  • Perseverance
  • Managing distractions
  • Setting goals
  • Self-awareness
  • Manage feelings and understand the feelings of others


Team Worker Bee

The Bees work together in a team and show empathy towards others.

Bee Powers:

  • independence
  • work in a team
  • value and support others
  • communication and listening


Creative Thinking Spider

Spiders are good problem solvers. they think outside the box and try different approaches to reach a solution.

Spider Powers:

  • work creatively
  • use imagination to solve problems
  • lateral thinking (think outside the box)
  • meta-learning


Independent Enquirer Cat

Cats are curious about their learning. They go the extra mile to research, ask questions and form opinions about what we learn.

Cat Powers:

  • curiosity
  • ask questions
  • make choices
  • form opinions
  • reason and plan
  • apply knowledge


Reflective Learner Owl

Owls reflect on their learning and their work, recognising what needs to improve and how it can be made even better.

Owl Powers

  • evaluate
  • reflect
  • revise


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