Positive Behaviour in Our School
We expect all children to behave well, respecting themselves, their peers and the school. We teach children how to live and breath our school values in how they behave.
Our approach to behaviour management is based upon the principles of the Thrive approach.
It has three main benefits:
- To help children learn about their emotions and regulate their behaviour
- Improve attendance and attainment, and reduce exclusions by children to engage with learning
- Strengthen links with parents and carers, ensuring a joined up approach to supporting children’s social and emotional needs
Thrive School Parent and Carer flyer
We want children to be able to understand, regulate and manage emotions, to apply thinking between feeling (sensation and emotion) and action, and to increasingly show empathy and understanding towards others.
● We aim to enable pupils to foster a willingness to take risks, experience and overcome challenges, and be successful in their learning.
● We want children to become enthusiastic, independent and self-aware learners – socially, emotionally and academically.
● Pupils will be encouraged to build tolerance, make good choices and take responsibility for their actions.
● Children will gain a sense of pride and build self-awareness through planned and incidental social and emotional learning and positive experiences as part of the ethos of our school.
Behaviour Expectations
At Dundry Primary School we have an agreed set of behaviour expectations to ensure the happiness and safety of everyone in our community. These expectations directly correlate to our Core Values.
1. We will treat ourselves, others, our environment and property with respect.
2. We will show a positive attitude towards learning and allow others to learn.
3. We will be kind to each other in person and when using technology.
4. We manage our behaviour and feelings appropriately.
Restorative Conversations/Reflections
To address the emotions and feelings behind a misbehaviour and teach empathy and responsibility a Restorative Conversation or Reflection is vital. This can occur both formally and informally depending on the nature of the misbehaviour. Also, depending on the situation and the child’s age/developmental stage, this reflection may be completed with an adult or independently. Restorative conversations or reflections will address the following:
1. What were you thinking or feeling at the time?
2. What happened?
3. Who was affected?
4. How did this make people feel?
5. How have you felt since?
6. What could you do to put things right?
7. How can we do things differently in the future?
Children earn House points in recognition of excellent behaviour. These are rewarded throughout the day to everyone for making good choices. All children belong to a House (vertical grouping across the whole school) to earn House Points. House Captains collect the number of House Points earned each week. At the end of term the house with the highest number of house points earns a house treat.
There are certificates and rewards for good work, super star learning and being a good role model. Children’s efforts and achievements are celebrated in our weekly celebration assembly. Children can also bring certificates and medals achieved outside school to our celebration assembly. Celebration assembly is at 2.40pm on Monday afternoon.
Behaviour (Relationships) Procedure – Sept 2023
You can read the MNSP Behaviour Policy through our policies page.
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