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A beacon of hope on the hill; A small school making a big difference



Dundry Primary School is a GOOD school!


The school was last inspected by OFSTED in December 2022 and was judged to be Good in every area.

Here are some extracts from our report:

‘A beacon of hope where everyone is joyful’ is how one pupil describes this school. Others agree. Pupils enjoy being part of a community.

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils.

Pupils show high levels of respect towards each other and staff. They are polite and well mannered.

Leaders ensure that every pupil shines and flourishes.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Pupils behave sensibly in class. They listen to their teachers and take pride in their work

Specialist staff provide pupils support with mental well-being.

Leaders enrich the curriculum through well-planned trips, events and experiences.

Parents and carers have nothing but praise for the school. Typical comments include, ‘I would recommend it in a heartbeat,’ and ‘I love the inclusivity, kindness and sense of community.’

Here is the full report: Dundry Church of England School FINAL report

Leaders will now work on the identified areas for further development as part of our continued journey of improvement.

Dundry Primary School SIP Overview 22-23:


As a church school we are also inspected by the Church of England under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican, Methodist and ecumenical Schools (SIAMs). Here are some of the key findings:

  • The vision promotes a cohesive and supportive culture which lives out its values of friendship and  community enabling all to flourish. 
  • Collective worship has a significant role in the life of the school creating a strong community living out  its vision to be a light on the hill. 
  • There are examples of good practice which develops spiritual awareness across the curriculum but the  approach is not consistent. 

2020 February Dundry SIAMS report

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