Covid-19: all you need to know
This page keeps you up-to-date with changes to learning in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The government has removed remaining domestic restrictions in England. There are still steps you can take to reduce the risk of catching and spreading COVID-19:
- Get vaccinated
- Let fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meet outside
- Consider wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces
How we will continue to ensure school is safe – our Control Measures
We will continue to:
- Ensure good hygiene for everyone
- Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes
- Keep occupied spaces well ventilated
- Follow public health advice
How can you help?
Please spend time with your child reminding them how to wash their hands correctly and what to do if they sneeze, cough or blow their nose.
As last year, your child may find that the classroom is colder than normal due to the need for constant ventilation. Whilst we will aim to ensure a sensible balance between the levels of ventilation and room temperature, we recognise that some children will need to bring an additional jumper to school. As far as possible please ensure this is a school jumper, or one that is plain. All clothing must be named. School uniform is required daily.
Outbreak Management Plan
There may be an occasion to step up our response to the virus, in which case we will follow our Dundry COVID-19_ outbreak management plan. This plan outlines what we would do if 5 pupils or staff test positive for COVID-19 in a 10-day period, and how we would operate if we are advised to take extra measures to help break chains of transmission.
Please be assured that we will endeavour to ensure all measures taken will have the smallest possible detrimental impact on our children’s education and experience in school. We will also ensure that parents are kept informed of any changes we need to make as per our Contingency Plan.
What happens if a child tests positive for COVID-19 or develops symptoms?
Please follow the latest NHS guidance.
Attendance is mandatory and we expect all children to attend as normal from the start of term.
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school that day please call the school office.
Remote Education
If at any point your child is unable to attend school due to COVID-19, we will set remote learning. We expect this to be completed unless of course, your child is unwell with the virus.
Our remote learning will follow a similar format to that used in lockdown and will be sent to you directly by the class teacher. As far as is practical your child will follow the same learning as their classmates in school. For this reason, it may be that some lessons are provided through a live link which will be sent to you by the class teacher.
Remote education provision_ information for parents of Dundry CE Primary School
Catching up and moving on
The government is leading a number of initiatives designed to help schools to support children to catch up in their learning. We were very proud of how well our children engaged in remote learning last year and feel confident that every child returned to school in the summer having tried their best to keep up. We have identified some gaps in learning, particularly in writing, that we will address over the coming year.
You can support your child by encouraging them to do their best, reading with them daily and supporting them to talk about their learning. We want children to be able to recall and remember their learning as this will help them with new learning. Talking with you at home will play an important role in helping our children to stick learning to their long term memory.
We will continue to place a strong emphasis on our children’s mental health and wellbeing as we know that when children feel happy, safe and secure they are far better able to learn. Please talk to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns about how your child is feeling in school as we can and will do all we can to support them.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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