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Willow Class – Year 2

Willow Class – Year 2

Hello and welcome to Willow Class!

Welcome to a new school Year!

About us!

Welcome to Willow Class; we are Year 2.  Our Team is Miss George (Class Teacher), Mrs Chaplin (Teacher Assistant), Miss Patch (Teacher Assistant), Miss Hynam and Mrs Perrett (Thursday Class Teachers). Mrs Chaplin is in the classroom from Monday – Wednesday and Miss Patch is in the classroom Thursday to Friday. Miss Hynam will teach Willow till breaktime on Thursday and Mrs Perrett will Teacher for the remainder of Thursday. The adults in Willow class work very closely together to ensure that all learning and transitions are seamless. We try our very best in all aspects of our learning, show care and compassion for each other and take pride in our class family.


Our learning this term.


This term we will look at the story ‘Lost and Found’ in English to develop our story writing


We have two units:

Place Value up to 20 – understanding that in the number 15 the 1 (ten) comes first because it is 1 ten and 5 ones which make 15. Not to be written 51 as that would be 5 tens and 1 one! We will also be looking at a number line and looking at how we can estimate a number on a number line when it is blank.

Addition and Subtraction – having a real strong foundation of number facts that are easy to recall. Knowing our number bonds to 20 17+3=20, 3+17=20, 13+7=20 and 7+13=20. How we can count backwards as well as solving missing number problems.


This term’s unit will be looking at our local history! What was life like 100 years ago at Dundry? Can we find any pictures of life from the past? How does it differ from today?


In science we will be looking at Animals Including Humans. How can we group animals? What are key features for Mammals, Birds, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles and Minibeast? Do different types of animals eat different thing?


We will be learning about and creating moving pictures!


Our RE focus is Gospel; what is the good news Christians believe Jesus brings? – Gospel


Computing this term is about Computing systems and networks – IT  around us.

Reading at Home

Without a doubt, reading as often as possible is THE thing which will make the greatest difference

to your child’s education. In Willow Class, we value immensely the contribution that reading makes to your children’s lives and so it permeates much of what we do.

We expect children to read at least 4 times a week and this must be recorded in their reading record each week. We will send home new reading books every Friday and record who has read 4 times or more each week so they can be entered in our reading raffle. Each half term, a random ticket is drawn from the hat with the winner receiving a £5 book token!

It can be really tricky knowing how to support your child with reading so we have made two videos to give you some ideas on how you can help. It is also good to read the same book with your child at least 4 times, this enables them to develop fluency when reading a book that has become more familiar.

Important Information

Our PE days are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure children come in to school wearing their PE kits on these days. Please ensure children bring their reading records and book bags in every day. Children are expected to read at least 4 times a week at home.

It is really important that children spend some time at home each week consolidating their learning at school and it is helpful if they have a quiet space to do so. You can find a copy of our Home Learning Expectation on the policies section of our website. In our class the expectation is:

  • Reading at least 4 times a week (most important)
  • DoodleMaths Activity
  • Practice Spelling/Phonics words for reading and writing.

Children have the option to explore their termly topic at home and bring their learning into school to share. This is optional and is an opportunity for children and parents to extend classroom based learning. For example if they have been practising their number bonds to 20 they could bring in their worksheet. This can link to any subject/topic we are learning about this term.

Useful Links:

DoodleLearning: Best Learning Apps for EYFS, KS1 & KS2


During the week beginning 1st March 2021 we enjoyed a whole week of book themed fun to celebrate World Book Day. See the video below to hear Dundry teachers reading some their favourite stories and poems.

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