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Sycamore Class – Years 3 & 4

We are Sycamore Class! We are Year 3 and 4 children and here on our page you can have a little peek at the brilliant things we get up to. We strive to be inspiring, exemplary learners and caring members of our school and local community. Happy browsing and we hope that you feel as proud in our learning as we do.

About us!

This is the web page for Sycamore Class and we are a mixed age class of years 3 and 4. We are part of a wonderful class family that includes Mrs Elliott, our Teaching Assistant who is with us all day Monday to Thursday. On Mondays and Tuesdays we are taught by Miss Hynam and on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays we are taught by Mrs Warren. The adults in Sycamore work very closely together to ensure that all learning and transitions are seamless. We try our very best in all aspects of our learning, show care and compassion for each other and take pride in our class family.

Term 1!

This term we are recapping all our learning powers. We will also be focusing on our whole school value of trust.

What will our learning look like this term?


This term we are focusing on the book ‘Star in a jar’ by Sam Hay in our English lessons. We will use this book to help us write a narrative. We will also be writing a speech from the perspective of Boudica linking to our History topic ‘The Romans’.

This term’s class novel is ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by J Eldridge.


This term we continue to become experts with place value, as well as addition and subtraction.


In history, in terms 1 we will be learning about the Romans. We will look at the main events in Roman history, as well as daily life, conflicts and the Roman’s legacy. 


As scientists, we will be learning all about electricity. We will look at how to make a circuit, and what are conductors, insulators and switches.


This term in Fench we will be learning conversational language, as well as numbers and colours.


In music, we will be learning to sing and play Mama Mia songs on the glockenspieles.


In art we are going to be learning about the artist LS Lowery. We will start by learning about Lowery before we experiment with mixing colours and painting in his style.


Thursday and Friday are our PE days. Please make sure that the correct PE kit is worn. This term we will be doing invasion games on Thursday. On Friday, year 4s will be swimming so need to make sure they have brought a swimming kit with them. This needs to include a swimsuit, towels and goggles if they have any. Year 3s will be doing PE on Friday, developing their fundamental PE skills.


Our RE focus in Term 1 is ‘What is it like for someone to follow God?’

We will look at different stories in the bible, focusing on stories about Noah and Abram.

Helping your child with reading

Reading isn’t really just one skill- it’s a whole collection of skills- that children must learn to become fluent and independent readers. When hearing your child read at home it is important that you share books together and talk about what they might be about, by looking at the front cover and illustrations. As well as asking their opinion of the story. These conversations help to give them a sense of what is inside the book before they start to read it and preparing them for some of the vocabulary they come across. This means you are setting your child up for success right from the start.

Identifying vocabulary your child does not know is essential to help them become fluent readers. If there are more than five words on a page, or in a passage, that your child is unable to identify they will not be able to comprehend the text. This means that the text is too difficult for them. Therefore, it is important to consider the vocabulary in a book and have discussions around this. Encourage your child to be independent by looking up the word in a dictionary, discuss what specific words mean, and relate them to real-life to build an understanding for your child. Thus, helping them to comprehend the text.

Model reading with your child or taking turns to read is great to build up confidence. For example, modelling a sentence that they may have misread is a good way to support this, and then ask your child to reread the passage ensuring they address what they have learnt.

Additionally, it is important that they read the punctuation, pausing where appropriate and adding expression. If your child has enjoyed a book, encourage them to recall what has happened so far, can they remember the key events. This helps showcase their understanding of what has been read.

Lastly, praise is crucial to foster a love of reading. Notice what your child has done well and tell them, often.

Please see below for a helpful video which shows Mrs. Warren reading with a child.

Please see our Sycamore welcome letter to find a more information about our expectations for the year.

SYCAMORE welcome letter

Useful Links

These are recommended, high quality learning resources which we will use in school, but will also be very useful at home.




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