It is important that children come to school dressed in a way that is comfortable, practical and reflects a sense of belonging to the School Community.
At Dundry CE Primary School the children wear the following uniform:
- Grey or black trousers or shorts
- Grey or black skirt
- Plain white shirt/blouse or blue polo shirt with logo
- Dark blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
- Dark blue fleece with school logo (This is not to be worn instead of a jumper or cardigan)
- Grey Pinafore dress
- Blue gingham summer dress
- Baseball caps with school logo (for outdoors)
- Black/navy blue or grey shoes
In P.E. lessons children need to wear the following:
- Polo shirt with school logo (House colours- red, blue, green, yellow)
- Dark blue/black shorts
- Dark blue tracksuit trousers (for outdoor use only in colder months)
- Black Trainers (for outdoor sports)
- School PE hoodie
Children should not wear any form of fashion shoes and must not wear trainers other than for P.E. and Games lessons.
Uniform can be purchased from Price and Buckland.
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